JBOYS (Jimmy Bryant’s Outback Youth Support):
“Nurturing today’s youth for tomorrow’s opportunities.”
In our community all kids, are our kids, and we want all kids to reach their full potential. Our mission statement reflects that there are many ways this can be facilitated, and many ways that kids can be nurtured and supported.
Whilst our primary focus is currently on road safety and driving skills, we also recognise there is often a lack of support for kids to reach their full potential in other aspects of their lives. Driver safety is huge part of our mission, but we are also looking at ways in which we can extend our reach to support kids who are navigating through this challenging time in their lives. The opportunity to provide education and the critical life skills necessary to reach tomorrow’s opportunities is the driving force behind our organisation.
If our message can positively change just one life, we would hope this organisation be considered a success. However we know that we have the opportunity to impact many more lives and for this reason we will continue to work tirelessly to reach those kids.